Amsterdam Studies in Baptist and Mennonite Theology
ASBaMT: Amsterdam Studies in Baptist and Mennonite Theology is a high-quality series presenting outstanding research with international relevance. It is a platform for both younger scholars (dissertations) and established scholars (monographs, collections of essays). It is rooted in the Believers´ Church tradition (Anabaptist-related, Free Church, Peace-Church) and is ecumenical in orientation. It is a collaboration between the McClendon Chair (VU University Amsterdam), the Chair for (Mennonite-) Peace Theology and Ethics (VU University Amsterdam), and the IBTS associated Chair of Christian Social Ethics (VU University Amsterdam). It is supported by the Baptist Seminary Amsterdam, the Mennonite Seminary and the Amsterdam Centre for Religion and Peace & Justice, and the International Baptist Theological Study Centre (IBTS), on the basis of ‘shared ownership’.
Series subdivisions
The series will host a spectrum of five academic fields, while at the same time holding to a narrow focus within these fields on themes that are of particular importance and characteristic to the Baptist and/or Mennonite tradition, and will bind the series together:
- Biblical Theology and Hermeneutics
- Baptist and Mennonite History
- Systematic/Dogmatic Theology from Baptist and Mennonite/Peace-Church perspectives.
- Ethics / Peace & Conflict Studies
- Mission and Ecclesial Practices
The goal of our publication policy is to vary in a representative way between these fields, depending on the availability and quality of submissions. Important is to note that many contemporary studies are already interdisciplinary in character and will combine two or three of the abovementioned fields.
Call for manuscripts
The series is open for promising studies in the fields mentioned above. For more information regarding the series and possible submissions please contact David McMillan (
Series editors
Prof. dr. Henk Bakker
McClendon Chair for Baptistic and Evangelical Theologies at VU University Amsterdam on behalf of the Baptist Union of the Netherlands.
Prof. dr. Fernando Enns
Professor of Theology and Ethics at VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands, and Director of the Institute of Peace Church Theology at the University of Hamburg, Germany.
Prof. dr. David P. Gushee
Endowed professor of Christian Social Ethics at the VU University Amsterdam, in collaboration with the International Baptist Theological Study Center (IBTS Center).
Editorial board
- David E. Goatley (Research Professor of Theology and Black Church Studies, Duke University),
- Stephen Holmes (Principal of St Mary’s College and Head of the School of Divinity, University of St Andrews),
- Parush Parushev (Senior Research Fellow, International Baptist Theological Study Centre and St. Trivelius Institute Sofia),
- Helen Paynter (Tutor Biblical Studies, Bristol Baptist College),
- Anthony G. Reddie (Tutor for the Liberation Theologies, University of Oxford),
- Astrid von Schlachta (Head of the Mennonite Research Center in Weierhof and Lecturer of Modern History, Universität Regensburg),
- Lina Toth (Lecturer in Practical Theology, Scottish Baptist College)